Corporate Group Licensee
As a Corporate Group owner, you can purchase a PAF licence that covers all your Corporate Group members for their use of PAF under one convenient Licence Fee.
Members of your Corporate Group that purchase a PAF-based addressing Solution from a Solutions Provider(s), will not need to pay the PAF licence fees element of any charges by a Solutions Provider because as the Corporate Group owner, you will have paid the Licence Fee directly to Royal Mail.
If you are a Solutions Provider and you sell a PAF Solution to an End User, and you have ascertained that this organisation is part of a Corporate Group that has a Corporate PAF licence, you will need to send a Royalty Return showing a zero fee to Royal Mail by using our Royalty Returns process. Access the Fee Reporting Rules for further details.
A Corporate Licence is also available for our Multiple Residence and Not Yet Built datasets.
To find out more please contact us