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The Address Management Unit is committed to ensuring that our datasets remain the UK’s most up-to-date and widely used source of addressing data. As a result, we have reviewed our … read more
Robert Burns did much more than just rouse a nation with his poetry; he inspired hundreds of British addresses.
New research from Royal Mail reveals that his legacy extends to the naming of 724 streets across the United Kingdom, with around 272 of the nation’s towns and cities containing at last one address inspired by the iconic poet and his works.
On Burns Night, Royal Mail’s Address Management Unit analysed over 30 million addresses to reveal the extent of Scotland’s national poet’s impact on the Country’s domestic psyche. Although 42% of Burns-related streets are in Scotland, the spirit of ‘Rabbie’ is very much felt across the rest of the UK – with 338 separate Burns Road, Avenue, Close and Lane addresses stretching from Cheadle to Cwmbran to Coventry.
The top 20 ‘Robert Burns hotspots of the UK’ are as follows:
Other than the man himself, the various homes that he lived in throughout his life are a primary source of inspiration (121); including 14 ‘Lochlea’ and 16 ‘Mosgiel’ related addresses in Glasgow, and five ‘Mount Oliphant’ in Ayr. The women in his life have also proven to be muses for the nation’s street names; with 76 streets related to ‘Clarinda’ (Agnes Craig), ‘Jean Armour’ and ‘Mary Campbell’ dotted around our fair isle.
Some other fascinating facts unearthed by the research include:
Steve Rooney, Head of Royal Mail Address Management Unit commented: “We deliver mail to over 30 million addresses, six days a week, which puts us in the unique position of having direct access to all the amazing street names across Britain.
“It’s no secret that Robert Burns and his poems form an enormous part of Scottish history and identity; but it’s fascinating to see that his legacy is felt so profoundly across the entire country.”
Royal Mail is also marking the celebration of Robert Burns’ birth with a special Burns Night postmark, featuring the first two lines of his famous Address to a Haggis. The postmark will appear on mailed items around the UK during the week of 21 January.