Solutions Provider

If your organisation is intending to use our address and Postcode information – PAFMultiple Residence and Not Yet Built – to create, enhance and supply Solutions that will be used by organisations, you will need to become a Solutions Provider and your use of the data will be licensed.

You will need to pay Royal Mail licence fees for data supply and data use for each of our address data products. Fees are payable to Royal Mail every calendar month for any use by your organisation, or any use of your Solutions containing our data by your customers. You will need to pay Royal Mail by using our Royalty Returns process. You can also download a copy of the latest Royalty Return Form.


Use the interactive table below to find out more about how much it will cost you to use our address data products.

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PAF (Postcode Address File)

PAF gives you access over 30 million residential and business addresses and 1.8m UK postcodes. You can find our PAF Data Supply and Licence fees within the tables below. These fees are for PAF only. Hover over the sections of the table to learn more, or click on the hyperlinks to view diagrams.

PAF Data Supply Fees
PAF Data Supply Fees (£ excluding VAT) Data Supply Options
Online FTP DVD
The Updates Package
2 x Half-Yearly Complete Editions £850 £1,160
4 x Quarterly Complete Editions £1,060 £1,450
12 x Monthly Complete Editions £1,250 £1,740
The Changes Package
1 Complete Edition and 3 x Quarterly Updates (Changes) £1,060 £1,450
1 x Complete Edition and 11 x Monthly Updates (Changes) £1,250 £1,740
1 x Complete Edition and Daily Updates (Changes) £3,025 N/A
4 x Quarterly Updates (Changes) – not obtainable in year one £1,060 £1,450
12 x Monthly Updates (Changes) – not obtainable in year one £1,250 £1,740
Daily Updates (Changes) £3,025 N/A
The Annual Package
1 x Complete Edition £425 £580
Postcode area (price is per Postcode area supplied)
Only available as 12 x Monthly Complete Editions £215 N/A

PAF User Licence Fees
PAF Licence Fees
(£ excluding VAT)
Full UK Per Postcode Area
Full PAF Part PAF Full PAF Part PAF
User £99.50 £49.75 £2.94 £1.47
Multiple User Block £5,970 £1,990 £73.50 £36.75
Transaction £1.75 £1.46 N/A N/A
Website Use £7,200 £4,300 N/A N/A
Organisation Use £21,600 N/A N/A N/A


Pricing Examples

Please see below some example scenarios of how much it might cost your organisation to use PAF.

Example 1

Your End User has a project to cleanse some customer address records which will be used for mailing purposes. Only one User will be using the data. Therefore you would need to return the following User fees back to Royal Mail using your monthly licence fee Report. Access the Fee Reporting Rules:

  • Fee for one User of PAF Data: £99.50 + VAT

Example 2

Your End User has an internal customer relationship management (CRM) system, and they want to add address validation to the new customer input form. There are 10 Users of the CRM system. Therefore you would need to return the following User fees back to Royal Mail using your monthly licence fee Report. Access the Fee Reporting Rules:

  • Fee for 10 Users of PAF Data: £995 + VAT (10 x £99.50)

Example 3

Your End User has built an e-commerce Website and they want to build in address validation when someone purchases a product. There will be no other Users of PAF Data, just the Website. Therefore you would need to return the following User fees back to Royal Mail using your monthly licence fee Report. Access the Fee Reporting Rules:

  • Fee for use of PAF on a Website (as Website Use licence fee): £7,200 + VAT

MR (Multiple Residence)

Multiple Residence (MR) data can be used alongside PAF to identify dwellings that share a letterbox. You can find our MR Data Supply and Licence fees within the tables below. These are for MR only. Hover over the sections of the table to learn more, or click on the hyperlinks to view diagram.

MR Data Supply Fees
MR Data Supply Fees (£ excluding VAT) Data Supply Options
Online FTP DVD
The Updates Package 
2 x Half-Yearly Complete Editions £770 £1,050
4 x Quarterly Complete Editions £965 £1,312.50
12 x Monthly Complete Editions £1,150 £1,575
The Changes Package
1 x Complete Edition and 11x Monthly Updates (Changes) £1,150 £1,575
12 x Monthly Updates (Changes) – not obtainable in year one £1,150 £1,575
The Annual Package
1 x Complete Edition £385 £525

MR User Licence Fees
MR Licence Fees (£ excluding VAT) Option
Full UK Postcode Area
User £12.50 £0.73
Multiple User Block £750 £18.25
Transactions (querying solely MR) £1.75 N/A
Transactions (querying both MR and PAF) £1.95 N/A
Website Use (querying solely MR) £845 N/A
Website Use (querying both MR and PAF) £8,045 N/A
Organisation Use £2,550 N/A


Pricing Examples

Please see below some example scenarios of how much it might cost your organisation to use MR.

Example 1

Your End User has a project to cleanse some customer address records which will be used for mailing purposes. Only one User will be using the Multiple Residence (MR) data. Therefore you would need to return the following User fees back to Royal Mail using your monthly licence fee Report. Access the Fee Reporting Rules:

  • Fee for one User of MR Data: £12.50 + VAT

Example 2

Your End User has an internal customer relationship management (CRM) system, and they want to add address validation to the new customer input form. You decide to include both PAF and Multiple Residence (MR) data. There are 10 Users of the CRM system. Therefore you would need to return the following User fees back to Royal Mail using your monthly licence fee Report. Access the Fee Reporting Rules:

  • Fee for 10 Users of PAF Data: £995 + VAT (10 x £99.50)
  • Fee for 10 Users of MR data: £125.00 + VAT (10 x £12.50)

Example 3

Your End User has built an e-commerce Website and they want to build in address validation when someone purchases a product. There will be no other Users of PAF and Multiple Residence (MR) Data, just the Website. Therefore you would need to return the following User fees back to Royal Mail using your monthly licence fee Report. Access the Fee Reporting Rules:

  • Fee for use of PAF on a Website (as Website Use licence fee): £7,200 + VAT
  • Fee for use of MR on a Website (as Website Use licence fee): £845 + VAT

NYB (Not Yet Built)

Not Yet Built (NYB) data identifies the addresses of properties and buildings under construction. You can find our NYB Data Supply and Licence fees within the tables below. These are for NYB only. Hover over the sections of the table to learn more, or click on the hyperlinks to view diagram.

NYB Data Supply Fees
NYB Data Supply Fees (£ excluding VAT) Data Supply Options
Online FTP DVD
The Updates Package 
2 x Half-Yearly Complete Editions £770 £1,050
4 x Quarterly Complete Editions £965 £1,312.50
12 x Monthly Complete Editions £1,150 £1,575
The Annual Package
1 x Complete Edition £385 £525

Table 1: Licence Fees
Licence Fees
NYB Licence Fees (£ excluding VAT) Option
Full UK Postcode Area
Full NYB Part NYB Full NYB Part NYB
User £12.50 £5.00 £0.73 £0.27
Multiple User Block £750 £200 £18.25 £6.75
Organisation Use £2,550 N/A N/A N/A


Table 2: Licence Fees – Transactional and Website Use
Licence Fees – Transactional and Website Use
NYB Licence Fees (£ excluding VAT) Option
Full NYB Part NYB
Transactions (querying solely NYB) £1.75 £1.46
Transactions (querying both NYB and PAF) £1.95 £1.56
Transactions (querying both NYB and MR) £1.95 N/A
Transactions (querying all of NYB, PAF and MR) £2.15 N/A
Website Use (querying solely NYB) £845 £455
Website Use (querying both NYB and PAF) £8,045 £4,755
Website Use (querying both NYB and MR) £1,690 N/A
Website Use (querying all of NYB, PAF and MR) £8,890 N/A

Pricing Examples

Please see below some example scenarios of how much it might cost your organisation to use NYB.

Example 1

Your End User, selling new carpets, wants to target newly built houses to sell their products and would therefore benefit from Not Yet Built (NYB) data to help identify target areas and be ready for when these houses are built and ready for occupation. Only one User within the company will use the data. Access the Fee Reporting Rules

  • Fee for one User of NYB Data: £12.50 + VAT

Example 2

Your End User has an internal customer relationship management (CRM) system and wants to add Not Yet Built (NYB) addresses to the ‘new customer’ input form so that they can process orders prior to these properties being added to PAF. There are 10 Users of the CRM system. Access the Fee Reporting Rules

  • Fee for 10 Users of NYB data: £125.00 (10 x £12.00)


Alias data can be used alongside PAF to identify properties that have additional address characteristics i.e. a house name. You can find our Alias Data Supply fees within the table below. Please note that your use of Alias is covered by your PAF Agreement and no additional fees are applied. Hover over the sections of the table to learn more.

Alias Data Supply Fees
Alias Data Supply Fees (£ Exc VAT) Option
Online FTP DVD
Annual £85.00 £116
Half yearly £170 £232
Quarterly £212.50 £290
Monthly £255 £348


If your solutions contain Alias data, you do not need to declare any additional User fees because these are covered by the PAF Agreements.

For example, in a scenario where your End User has a single individual who wants to cleanse their address records using data from both PAF & Alias, you would only need to return one User Licence fee in respect of this use, on the monthly Licence Fee Report. (see the Fee Reporting Rules):

  • Fee for one User of PAF Data: £95.00 +VAT because the User Licence for PAF covers the use of the Alias data as well.

PIF (Postcode Information File)

The PIF file is used to help the barcoding of mail. Delivery point suffix (DPS) & checksum information is required to create barcodes on mail and PIF supplies these; useful if your database or PAF® product does not include it.

PIF Data Supply Fees
PIF Data Supply Fees (£ Exc VAT) Option
Online FTP DVD
Annual £85 £116
Half yearly £170 £232
Quarterly £212.50 £290
Monthly £255 £348
Daily £620 N/A


If your solutions contain PIF data, you do not need to declare any additional User fees because these are covered by the PAF Agreements.

For example, in a scenario where your End User has a single individual who wants to cleanse their address records using data from both PAF & PIF, you would only need to return one User Licence fee in respect of this use, on the monthly Licence Fee Report. (see the Fee Reporting Rules):

  • Fee for one User of PAF Data: £99.50 +VAT (because the User Licence for PAF covers the use of the PIF data as well.)


One of the pricing options for using PAF, Multiple Residence and Not Yet Built is Bureau Services. When a database is cleansed (see Data Cleansing) and the resulting records are passed back to your client this is known as Bureau Services. There is an annual fee to provide this service as follows:

Bureau Data Supply Fees
Number of records Cleansed Option
PAF Bureau Services Licence Fee Multiple Residence Bureau Services Licence Fee Not Yet Built Bureau Services Licence Fee
Less than 1,000,000 £355 £355
(single fee payable, not dependent on number of records Cleansed)
(single fee payable, not dependent on number of records Cleansed)
Between 1,000,001 – 10,000,000 £1,066
Between 10,000,001 – 100,000,000 £5,330
More than 100,000,001 £14,200


Pricing example

Please see below an example of how much it might cost to license the use of Bureau Services.

During the next year your End User will cleanse some customer address records which will be used for mailing purposes. Once these records have been Cleansed they will be returned back to their customer, meaning that a Bureau Services Licence fee would be payable. The End User has five Users accessing PAF and Cleansing the data. During the course of the year the End User estimates they will Cleanse less than 1,000,000 records.

  • Fee for five users of PAF Data: £497.50 + VAT
  • Fee for relevant band of Bureau Services: £355
  • Fee to download PAF quarterly: £1,060
  • Total cost for one year: £1,912.50 + VAT

Other Options

To complement the PAF, MR and NYB datasets you can also buy additional address data and service options from us. These include:

When you sign-up to become a Licensee of our data products you can choose to add these additional datasets or services at that time. Some of these attract additional fees please contact us for additional information.