Our main database with more than 30m UK addresses, updated daily by thousands of postmen and women.
Find out moreOur main database with more than 30m UK addresses, updated daily by thousands of postmen and women.
Find out moreThis data set makes it easy to identify individual dwellings and businesses within multiple occupancy buildings that share a front door.
Find out moreEvery property has a postcode even before it is built: essential data for the construction and utilities sector.
Find out moreThis data file makes it easy to reach more than 100,000 British service personnel worldwide.
Find out moreSome homes carry only a name. Alias enables businesses to link those names with house numbers.
Find out moreThe PAF database contains over 30 million addresses across 1.8m postcodes. We work closely with Local Authorities and property developers – not to mention thousands of postmen and women – to ensure that PAF is always the UK’s most accurate and up-to-date address database.
We’ll update this information week commencing 16th December 2024, following the PAF product run. If you would like to receive the monthly PAF stats by email, please let us know … read more
We’ll update this information week commencing 18th November 2024, following the PAF product run. If you would like to receive the monthly PAF stats by email, please let us know … read more