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PAF Lover

Ballet dancers are the epitome of discipline. To achieve that seemingly effortless grace of pirouette perfection, takes years of dedication and practice to deliver that precision plié rather than an … read more


Not Yet Built and Knightwear

‘An Englishman’s home is his castle’ is an old proverb that we may recite in defence of comments from visitors about the way we live our lives.  If they dare, … read more


Address data with ‘byte’!

Sound, melody, harmony and rhythms make up the great (and sometimes not so great) musical compositions that can evoke our memories and emotions. The shark in the film Jaws that … read more


A day-ta day change

The English language is meant to be one of the most difficult to get to grips with. Why is that, when so many people all over the world use English … read more